Voting is Now Open for the CERF Governing Board and Proposed Constitutional Amendment!

We invite all CERF Voting Members to make their voices heard!

Voting is officially open for:

1. 2017-2019 CERF Governing Board Elections - Open positions include President-Elect, Secretary, Member-at-Large, International Member-at-Large, and Student Member-at-Large.

2. Proposed Constitutional and Bylaws Change - In addition to the 2017-2019 Governing Board Elections, CERF is also updating its constitution and bylaws to make it easier for Affiliate Society representation on our Board. Changing the CERF constitution requires an affirmative vote of 50% of CERF's voting members, so we need your vote!

In appreciation, everyone who votes for the 2017-2019 Governing Board Election and Proposed Constitutional Amendment will be entered in a drawing for a

FREE registration to the CERF 2017 Biennial Conference
or a 1-year membership extension


Only voting members (full, family, student, sustaining, early professional, and emerging and developing country) are eligible to vote.

Please submit your vote by midnight on 14 July 2017 using our online ballot form. As an alternative, you may request a paper ballot by emailing [email protected].

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