2017 CERF Scientific Awards
The Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation announce the recipients of the 2017 CERF Scientific Awards. The Federation recognizes excellence in and service to the fields of coastal and estuarine science, management and education through several scientific and service awards. The recipients of these awards embody the mission of CERF to advance understanding and wise stewardship of estuarine and coastal ecosystems worldwide by promoting research in estuarine and coastal ecosystems; supporting the education of scientists, decision-makers and the public; and facilitating communication among these groups.
In addition to our five long-standing awards, CERF is excited to present two inaugural stewardship awards; one in honor of Margaret A. Davidson to recognize an individual’s excellence in coastal and estuarine management, and the Coastal Stewardship Award to recognize exemplary stewardship activities of an organization, project, or program. The Distinguished Service Award recipient is selected by the CERF President; all other recipients are selected by award committees.
Awards are presented every two years; the 2017 CERF Awards Ceremony will be held Sunday, 5 November, 2017, in Providence, Rhode Island, at the 24th Biennial Conference.
The Federation thanks our Scientific Awards Committee co-chairs, Walter Boynton and Janet Nestlerode, as well as all of the subcommittee chairs and committee members, for their tireless efforts to recruit and select the outstanding recipients of this year’s awards. CERF also thanks the many nominators and letter writers that supported the many exceptional nominations received this year.
The 2017 Scientific Awards and Recipients are listed below. More information about the awards and recipients, including past recipients, can be found at: http://www.erf.org/cerf-2017-scientific-award-recipients.
- Cronin Award for Early Achievement - Dr. Damien Maher
- Margaret A. Davidson Award for Stewardship - Dr. William Dennison
- William A. Niering for Outstanding Educator - Dr. Drew Talley
- Odum Award for Lifetime Achievement - Dr. James E. Cloern
- Donald W. Pritchard Award - Physical Oceanography Paper – Ralston et al.
- Distinguished Service Award - Dr. Veronica Berounsky
- Coastal Stewardship Award for Stewardship (Organization) - Tampa Bay Nitrogen Management Consortium of Tampa Bay NEP