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Coastal & Estuarine Science News (CESN)

The mission of Coastal & Estuarine Science News (CESN) is to highlight the latest research in the journal Estuaries and Coasts that is relevant to environmental managers. It is a free electronic newsletter delivered to subscribers on a bi-monthly basis. Sign up today!

CESN Editorial Board

  • Merryl Alber, CESN Editor, University of Georgia
  • Janet Fang, CESN Science Writer/Managing EditorCoastal & Estuarine Research Federation
CESN Editorial Board

 2024 Issue 2

Assessing Elevation in Mangrove Forests
Are Environmentally-Friendly Moorings Better for Seagrass?
Dredged Materials Can Help With Marsh Elevation
Seascape Nurseries: Juvenile Fishes Link Multiple Habitats 


2024 Issue 1

Why Aren't New York Marshes Keeping Pace With Sea-Level Rise?
Pilot Living Shoreline Projects Show Promising Results
Fish Response to Dam Removals
Using UAVs to Model the Hydrology of Tidal Wetlands


2023 Issue 6

A Novel Tool for Science-Based Coastal Management
What if the River Doesn't Meet the Sea?
Tidal Flooding When the Skies are Blue
Assessing Shoreline Changes Using Satellite Imagery

2023 Issue 5

Water Releases from Dammed Rivers Can Help Save Estuaries
Tagging Rays in South African Estuaries
How Will Marsh Elevation Respond to Sea–Level Rise?
Predicting How Species Respond to Both Climate Change and Restoration Effects

2023 Issue 4

Movin' on Up
Mapping Hypoxic Responses to Nitrogen Loading
Catamarans Can Contract Coastal Wetlands
Nutrient Declines in the Yangtze River: A Success Story

2023 Issue 3

How Will Diked Systems Respond to Sea Level Rise? 
Identifying Management Priorities in Coastal Seascapes
Estimating Juvenile Salmon Carrying Capacities
Undersized Mediterranean Lagoons are Understudied

2023 Issue 2

2023 Issue 1

Spartina Outperforms Phragmites in Wave Attenuation Tests
Should Wood be Part of Tidal Marsh Restoration?
Floating Oyster Aquaculture Can Remove Nitrogen
Balls or Sills: Which Living Shoreline Design Dissipates Waves Best?


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