
Coastal & Estuarine Science News (CESN) Archives
Coastal & Estuarine Science News (CESN) is a free electronic publication providing brief summaries of select articles from the journal Estuaries & Coasts that emphasize management applications of scientific findings.
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A Novel Tool for Science-Based Coastal Management What if the River Doesn't Meet the Sea? Tidal Flooding When the Skies are Blue Assessing Shoreline Changes Using Satellite Imagery
Water Releases from Dammed Rivers Can Help Save Estuaries Tagging Rays in South African Estuaries How Will Marsh Elevation Respond to Sea–Level Rise? Predicting How Species Respond to Both Climate Change and Restoration Effects
Movin' on Up Mapping Hypoxic Responses to Nitrogen Loading Catamarans Can Contract Coastal Wetlands Nutrient Declines in the Yangtze River: A Success Story
2023 Issue 3
How Will Diked Systems Respond to Sea Level Rise? Identifying Management Priorities in Coastal Seascapes Estimating Juvenile Salmon Carrying Capacities Undersized Mediterranean Lagoons are Understudied
Spartina Outperforms Phragmites in Wave Attenuation Tests Should Wood be Part of Tidal Marsh Restoration? Floating Oyster Aquaculture Can Remove Nitrogen Balls or Sills: Which Living Shoreline Design Dissipates Waves Best?
Bay Beaches Erode Differently Fish Communities Don't Always Change With Salinity Daily Mean Discharge Data Doesn't Capture Compound Flooding Where Does Citizen Science Fit?
How Blue Crabs Invaded Portugal in Under Three Years Coconut Fibers for Oyster Reef Restoration Managing Delta Smelt in the San Francisco Estuary Including Estuaries in Greenhouse Gas Reduction Strategies
Runnels for Restoration Blue Crabs in a Sea of Grass Tracking Wastewater Contamination at Shellfish Farms Will Genetic-Based Restoration Strategies Work for SAVs?
What Factors Boost Oyster Filtration Services? Modeling Transport in the Gulf of Mexico What’s Up, Dock? Getting to the Bottom of Hypoxia
Measuring Vulnerability Along the East African Coastline Can Sediment Supply Meet Demand in West Coast Marshes? Capturing Change on Constantly Changing Barrier Islands Managing Nitrogen With Oysters
What Does Restoration Success Look Like? Lessons From Two Decades of Native Oyster Restoration Fishing in the City Getting More Bang for the Buck in Marsh Restoration
Managed Ponds Offer Ample Zooplankton for Juvenile Salmon Has Nutrient Loading to Chesapeake Bay Decreased? Shorebirds Eat at Night, Too Tracking Seagrass Survival in Virginia’s Long-Running Restoration Efforts
Invasive Seaweed May Benefit Juvenile Salmon How Many Herbivores Can a Turtlegrass Meadow Support? The Resilience of Texas Estuaries to Hurricane Harvey Predicting the Future of Seagrass Ecosystems in a Warmer World
Derelict Crab Traps Continue to Kill for Years How Plants Influence the Resilience of Wetlands to Sea Level Rise 10 Questions to Ask About the Future of Tidal Marshes A New Technique for Mapping Hard-Bottom Habitats
Prior Land Use Affects Wetland Recovery Fine-Scale Maps Offer Clearer View of Seagrass Dynamics What Happens When Coastal Farmlands are Flooded for Restoration? Oil Platforms Can Serve as Artificial Reefs
Identifying the Susceptibility of New Zealand Estuaries to Eutrophication San Francisco Case Study Uncovers Warning Signs in the Bay Eutrophic Cove Improves After Two-Decade Delay One Hundred Years of Shrimp Farming
Modeling Coastal Marsh Restoration Benefits in the Gulf of Mexico Marshes Continue Nitrogen Removal Services Despite Oil Spill Satellite Images Provide Synoptic Pictures of Hurricane Damage and Recovery Can Conservation Mitigate Flood Risks in Coastal Cities?
The End of "Statistical Significance"? It's Complicated: Constructed Oyster Reefs and Wave Height Not Too Shallow, Not Too Deep: Helping Seagrass to Shine A Regional Model for Wetlands Restoration
Getting a high-level view of coastal habitats Betting on bivalves? Using cars to count coastal visitors Mending salt marshes from the bottom-up
Does Hypoxia Change the Menu? Putting Small Restoration Projects to the Test Cues from Chlorophyll Restored vs. Natural Marsh: Is It All the Same to Nekton?
The Other Side of Dam Removal Hurricane Harvey Tests Coastal Ecosystem Protection Did Hurricane Sandy Change the Ecosystem of a Long Island Lagoon? Resilience and Recovery in Biscayne Bay
Swimming signals: Atlantic mummichog and urbanization A birds-eye view of shoreline change How to build “softer” seawalls How can aquaculture curb eutrophication?
Comparing the ecosystem filtration services of native and non-native oysters Taking a holistic look at marsh sediment dynamics Is plant diversity important for protecting coastal dunes? Evaluating restored wetlands in Northern Gulf of Mexico
Eelgrass habitat not a straightforward boon for oysters Assessing the risks of harbor dredging on diamondback terrapins Bridging the harbor: Do phytoplankton respond? High temperatures and macroalgae make a deadly duo
Breakwater Associated Morphological Changes Increase Estuary Flood Risk Invertebrates as Indicators in Restored Marshes Do oyster reefs protect nearby marsh? Lights Out! Artificial light at night
Healthy Habitat at Restored Reefs Can Salt Marshes Keep Up with Rising Seas? Tracking Marsh Response to the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Proving the Worth of Living Shorelines
Three Decades of Change in a Long Island Sound Embayment How Will Climate Change Affect Exposure to Vibrio A New Standard for Greenhouse Gas Accounting Quantifying Shoreline Movement Along Segments of Florida’s Coast
Mitigations by Wetlands Worldwide Fish Forays Into Seagrass Do Freshwater Diversions Benefit Wetlands? Tracking the Wild Horseshoe Crab
182 Years of Change in Narragansett Bay Regime Shifts Prevent Seagrass Recovery Defining Nearshore Nurseries Modeling Coastal Flood Hazards
Do Seagrass Meadows Provide Refuge from Acidification? Assessing Fish Responses to Drought Living Shorelines’ Benthic Benefits Blue Carbon in Tampa Bay
Phragmites May Hatch More Male Terrapins Chesapeake Marsh Area Remains Constant Effects of Shoreline Stabilization Horseshoe Crab Haven?
Healthy Oyster Reefs, Healthy Sediment Bulkheads No Good for Birds Bad News for Bay's Aquatic Vegetation Open the Gates for Fish
Building Better Bridges for Scientists and Managers All Shoreline Armoring Not Created Equal SAVs Serve As Spawning Substrate Tracking the Endangered Delta Smelt
Shade from Docks Can Slow Down Spartina Good News for the Everglades is Bad News for Lobsters Nesting Terns Caught in the Middle Scarring, Then Recovery, for Chesapeake Bay's Seagrass
Terrapin Territory Terminated? A “Red Light” for Blue Crabs Effects of Land Use and Shoreline Hardening on Estuarine Species National Estuarine Research Reserves: The Gold Standard?
Looking for Louisiana Hot Spots Oyster Reefs Form a Line of Defense Against Marsh Loss When Fresh Water and Rising Seas Collide Eyes on the Storm
How do Floodgates Rate? Sediment Loading and Coral Reef Ecosystem Services Sculpins, Oysters Impaired by Hypoxia For New England Coastal Marshes, the Future is Here
Ocean Acidification at the "Fattening Line" For Northern Spartina, Global Climate Change May Mimic a Move South Better than Ever Learning While Doing
Investigating Invasive Introductions Good News So Far in a Danish Estuary Grand Reopening A Diversity of Diversities
Eelgrass to the Rescue! Seagrass Restoration: The Angling Angle Grow with the Flow Clam-oring for Nutrient Cycling Info?
Some SAV Can Save Itself Crustacean Perturbation Plumbing a Carbon Sink Disappearing Wetlands
Sand and Sandy Fishing for Data Rising Seas Threaten Arctic Native Heritage Site Seeking Clarity on Water Turbidity in the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta
When Seagrass is Scarce, Can Fringing Marsh Fill the Gap? Australian Fish Ride the Tide Wetlands Loss in the Pacific Northwest and Salmon Density-Dependence Building the Data Infrastructure of the Future
Keeping the Pressure on in Chesapeake Bay Red Drum and Spotted Seatrout (Come and) Go with the Flow The Future Is Now in New England Deep Trouble for Pools?
What Does Recovery from Eutrophication Look Like? Wrack Line Inverts Impacted by Shoreline Armoring in Puget Sound Migratory Waterbirds Respond to Habitat Shifts in Yangtze Managing Marshes in the Face of Climate Change
Blue Crabs Cross State Lines to Spawn Offshore Unintended Consequences of Ditch Plugging Sweeping the Beach Clean Getting Savvy about SAV
On the Fringe Epic Epiphytes Does Ocean Acidification Poison Pens? When the Tides Don’t Turn
Beachgoers Bring Trophic Changes to Sandy Shores Dwindling Nutrient Loads Sink Floating Macroalgae Problem Mussel Strain Ecological Impacts of Geoduck Aquaculture
Mussels as Mitigation How High is the Water? Urban Living, Estuarine Style
As Heat Rises, Some Disease Organisms May be Kept at Bay Mexican Shrimp Farms Can Provide Foraging Habitat for Shorebirds Nursery Ground Valuation: Time to Consider More Complexity
Evaluating the Risks of Developing a Promising New Energy Source: the Ocean Salinity and Seagrass in the Everglades-Florida Bay System: The Challenge of Increasing Variability By the Numbers: Quantitative Approach to Determining Management Priorities Applied to Salt Marshes
Some Gulf Shrimp May be Shrimpier after Exposure to Deepwater Horizon Oil Small Boats can Carry Invaders North to Alaska Low Oxygen, Low Productivity: Hypoxia Related to Decreased Macrobenthic Production in Chesapeake Bay A Better Way to See Seagrass?
Shoreline Armoring in Puget Sound Walls off Connections between Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems Plant Patterns in the Tidal Freshwater Hudson River: Ten Years of Change Defining “Restoration”: Can Ecosystems be Fixed and How Do We Know When they Are? Engineering Approach to Estuarine Restoration Focuses on Physical Aspects of the Ecosystem
More People, More Nutrients, More Microbes? Microbial Response to Nutrient Loading in Runoff and Groundwater Human Development near Mangroves can Affect Habitat for Fish and Crustaceans Don’t Underestimate Ecological Contributions of Non-reef Oysters in Tampa Bay The Buzz about Mangrove Pollination: In Australian Temperate Regions, Exotic Honeybees Do Almost all of the Work
Lessons from a Success Story: Mattawoman Creek, MD Ditch-plugging Affects New England Salt Marsh Plant Communities, Study Finds Deconstructing Construction: Effects of Bridges and Dredging on Circulation in Tampa Bay Learning from Experience: Application of Adaptive Management to Tidal Energy Development
Culture Clash: Incorporating Cultural Modeling into Decision-Making in the Chesapeake Bay Muddy Waters not Muddy Enough? Declining Sediments and Rising Seas Could Drown Some Tidal Wetlands What is a Healthy Tampa Bay Worth? Millions per Year or More, Says One Study How Much Chlorophyll a is too Much? Chesapeake Study Suggests Some Guidelines
Vocabulary Lesson: A Proposal for Defining “Coastal” Populations What to Plant? Using Data to Plan Dune Restoration Projects Is Development Along Tidal Creeks Hazardous to Ecological and Human Health? Confluence of Factors Leads to Possible “Tipping Point” for Eutrophication in Maryland Coastal Bays
Dissolving Misconceptions about Ocean Acidification: How Important is it in Coastal Ecosystems? The Runaway Weed: Study Concludes that Phragmites australis Management has not been Effective When One (Management Goal) is Not Enough: Researchers Propose Decision Support Tool for Understanding Tradeoffs Review Outlines Factors Influencing Fecal Contamination in Coastal Waters and Shellfish
Changes in Salinity Regime, Changes in Fish Assemblage in a Southern Australia Estuary Ditch Plugging in New England Salt Marshes: Is the Cure Worse than the Disease? Climate Change Could Endanger an Already-Endangered Species: Modeling Suggests Problems Ahead for Delta Smelt Hypoxic Zone Contributes to Structuring Nekton Assemblages in the Gulf of Mexico, Including Bycatch Species
Are Tidal Wetlands Created Equal? Pacific Northwest Tidal Wetlands vs. East Coast Marshes Oyster Reefs Now and Then: Study Models Differences between Current and Historic Filtration Rates The Price of Rice: Altered Hydrology in Spanish Ebro Delta Affects Macrophyte Community Do Un-welcome Mats of Macroalgae Impact Salt Marsh Communities?
Why Has South Carolina Been Less Crabby Lately? Burning Questions about Prescribed Fire Management of Marshes A Simple Index for Assessing Estuarine Trophic State: pH and DO are the Keys Hydrology Linked to Phytoplankton Biomass in Two NC Estuaries: Rivers both Deliver Nutrients and Flush them Away
Mississippi River Diversion Does Not Hurt Fisheries, Study Says Turning up the Heat in a Mediterranean Bay May Lead to More Hypoxia To Determine the Health of this Estuary, Ask the Phytoplankton and the Benthos Hypoxia Found to be a Road Block to Zooplankton Migration in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Impacts of Sea Level Rise Likely to Extend Upstream to Tidal Freshwater Floodplain Forests A Good Rule of Thumb in Estuarine Restoration: Address the Disease, not the Symptom A High-Flying Method for Measuring DOM For White Perch in the Chesapeake, Some Nurseries Might be Better than Others
City Life: Armored and Natural Urban Shorelines Harbor Different Communities, Seattle Study Finds Open (Estuary) Mouth, Insert Salt: Impacts of Breaching a Temporarily Closed Estuary Jelly Role: Jellyfish Blooms are a Result and Cause of Eutrophic Effects in Danish Fjord A Side-by-Side Comparison of North American and European Eutrophication Assessment Methods
Invisible Effects of Oil Spills in Estuaries: Impacts Can Start with Phytoplankton Why Not Control Mosquitoes and Restore Tidal Marsh Habitat and Function? Long Island Study Says It Can be Done When it Comes to Fish Habitat, Sea Lettuce is Not the Same as Seagrass Odum Synthesis Essay: What Is Synthesis, Why Do It, and How Do We Do More of It?
Sea Level Rise Could Bring More Salt, More Water, or Both to Tidal Freshwater Marshes. How Will They Respond? For Pelagic Fishes in San Francisco Estuary, What Doesn’t Kill You … Can Still Kill You As Storm Frequency and Intensity Rise, Consequences for Marshes Could Be More Complex than Previously Thought Got Benthic Maps? New Acoustic Techniques are Fast, Accurate, High-Resolution, and Cost-Effective in Shallow, Complex Environments
November 2011
Habitat Fidelity of Coastal Birds: Do they Dine in the Forest or “Eat Out” in the Salt Marsh? Nutrient Loading Not the Likely Culprit in LI Sound Marsh Drownings Berm Breaching Opens the Door to Macroinvertebrate Community Changes, at Least for a Time Do Impacts of Nutrient Enrichment Extend to Tidal Freshwater and Oligohaline Wetlands?
What Contributes to Resilience in Restored Eelgrass Beds? Case Studies Reveal Some Important Lessons Exotic Species, Exotic Locale: Distribution and Abundance of Invasive Fish Species in Hawaiian Wetlands Study Dissects Relationships among Hypoxia, Stratification, and Nutrients in the Chesapeake Oysters and Wastewater Outflows are a Bad Mix, but Season and Distance Make a Difference
Tampa Bay Leads the Way in Using Biotope Mosaic Approach to Management Cause and Effect in the Baltic Sea: What Controls Phytoplankton Communities? Shedding Light on Water Column Optical Properties and Seagrass Beds in Florida Bay Weighing Issues of Scale in Monitoring Programs: Study Uses Nested Approach to Monitor Seagrass Beds
Plastic Litters Developed and Undeveloped Beaches in NE Brazil Nutrient Management and Shellfish Restoration Should Go Together, Study Shows Wetland Site Types Vary in Their Ability to Keep Their Heads above Water as Sea Level Rises Modeling Forecasts Outcomes of Freshwater Flow Restoration in the Everglades: Management Goals Can be Achieved
Do Marsh Consumers Eat Off a Marsh Detritus or Phytoplankton Menu? Restoration Implications of Food Web Origins Eelgrass is on the Decline in Massachusetts, But Some Good News Gives Hope Potential Differences in Predation Vulnerability between Native and Non-native Oysters Could Influence Restoration Planning Marsh or SAV? Nekton Need Both, Especially as Sea Level Rises
Even Small Oil Spills Can Have Lingering Effects on Biota, Study Says Searching for Patterns in Estuarine Recovery: Restoration Can Take Decades Trouble in Paradise: Tracking Pollutant Sources in Hanalei Bay, Hawaii Red Tide Pummels Tampa Bay Nekton Community, But Only Temporarily
Effects of Nutrient Enrichment Go Underground Modeling Says Delta Smelt May Become Victims of Shrinking Habitat Good-bye, Bycatch: Helping Crab Pots Catch Fewer Terrapins Does Habitat Disturbance in a VA Shallow Tidal Creek Disturb the Fish?
Resisting Phragmites Invasions: Diverse Native Plant Assemblages Might Help Modeling Past, Present, and Future Nitrogen in Narragansett Bay EXPO’98 Improvements in Portugal Estuary Stick Around After the Fair is Long Gone Bringing Back the Oyster: Sometimes Impacts Can Be Hard to See
Restoration Mixed Bag for S. Florida Manatee Winter Refuges Florida Bay’s Methylmercury Problem Falls from the Sky, Study Says Long-term Monitoring Supports Nutrients as Source of Chesapeake’s SAV Decline, But Small-scale Factors Matter Too Study Shows Thin-Layer Dredged Material Disposal Has Little Long-term Impact on Chesapeake Benthic Community
Heavy Metals Weigh on Benthic Community in a Hong Kong Harbor An Eelgrass Success Story in Boston Harbor: Careful Site Selection and Planting Methods are the Keys Is Invasion by an Introduced Species Always an Ecological Disaster? Perhaps Not, Says Alabama Study Restoration Projects in Elkhorn Slough Have Led to Improvements in Water Quality, Study Says
Modified Shorelines May Harbor Modified Faunal Communities, Study Finds Building a Better Shellfish Harvest Closure Decision Tool: Don’t Just Blame It On the Rain Organic Pollutants, and The Problems They Cause, Are Here to Stay: H. T. Odum Synthesis Essay How Will Future Climate and Sediment Supply Change the Shape of an Estuary? Projected Geomorphology in Suisun Bay, CA
Shoreward Human Migration in Texas May Be Chasing Coastal Birds Away Recovery of a Dutch Coastal Lagoon: Macrobenthos Lags, But Will Probably Catch Up The Fall and Rise (and Fall and Rise) of Chesapeake Bay Eelgrass, and Strategies to Encourage Conservation and Recovery Beach Grooming Makes Beaches Picturesque, but Does It Destroy Habitat?
A Decade of Eutrophication in the Skidaway River Estuary: More Small Phytoplankton, Less Oxygen, Big Food Web Changes Passive Restoration of Former Agricultural Sites Can Bring Back Marsh Channel Networks Nutrient Enrichment Increases Food Web Complexity in Florida Bay Massive Tideland Reclamation Project + Monsoon Conditions = Sediment and Water Quality Impacts
Columbia River Salmon Food Webs Entangled with Ecosystem Alterations, Says Study Unintended Consequences of a Gulf Coast Lake Diversion: Plans for More Marsh Leads to More Nutrients New Patterns of Primary Production? Study Finds Likely Population-Level Contaminant Effects on a Common Fish in San Francisco Bay
Genetically Speaking, Mussels Recover Quickly from Sewage Impacts, Study Says Snook Diet Diversity Goes, With the Flow, in Florida Creeks N and P Reductions Necessary to Control Eutrophication in Coastal Waters Satellite Data Provide Critical Information on the Really Big Picture
Mexican Study Uses Alternate Method to Corroborate Sediment Chronology Fringe Benefits: To Provide Critical Services, How Big Does a Marsh Have to Be? Climate Can Eclipse Nutrient Loading as a Major Influence on Phytoplankton Communities, Says North Carolina Study Unintended Consequences: Dredging Removes Fringing Vegetation Along with Sediments in Brazilian Lagoon
Phytoplankton in Massachusetts Bay: Impacts of a Sewage Outfall Relocation Study Says Marsh Ditching Leaves Legacy of Water Quality Effects Dredged Material Placement May Serve as a Life Preserver for Drowning Marshes Watershed Restoration Requires Stronger Science-Management Links, Says Essay
Long-term Records Show that for Nitrogen, Losses are as Important as Loads Fluorescence and Reflectance Indices are Promising as Early Warning Signals of Effects of Herbicide on Marsh Plants For Coastal Ecosystems, Maybe You Can’t Go Home Again Invasive Plants Maybe Not Such Bad News for Northern Gulf of Mexico Invertebrates
Field Measurements of Oyster Filtration: Convenient, Accurate, and Useful for Restoration Projects Introduced Pepper Plant May Invade by Sea Boston Harbor: Cleanup Brings Back the Benthos Hurricane Impact Depends on Geography and Bathymetry The Upper vs. Lower Patuxent River Estuary: Differences in Long-term Water Quality Trends
Trouble in Paradise: Multiple Indicators Used to Assess Water Quality in Kaua`i, Hawai`i Hypoxia in a Small Estuary: Macroalgae, Rather than Phytoplankton, are Running the Show Fifty-Five Years of Fish Kills in Texas: An Examination of Causes and Sources Are Open Bays As Important As Salt Marshes for Brown Shrimp Nurseries in Louisiana?
Tidal Restrictions Impact Algae to Mammals in Elkhorn Slough Before and After Chesapeake Nutrient Reductions: New Patuxent Budget Provides Insights Urbanization, Nutrients, and Macroalgae: Links in Waquoit Bay Groundwater Contributes Little Nutrient Load to Neuse, But Could be Locally Important
Coastal Ecosystems Need Better Public Relations, Says Study If One Sediment Quality Assay is Good, Are Three Better? “Thin Layers” Offer One Solution to the Cryptic Bloom Mystery New Guidance for Expanding the Intersection of Management, Science, and Invasive Species Florida Bay Nutrients Not to Blame for Florida Keys Reef Losses
ASSETS Recommended for Use in Chinese Estuaries Oceanographic Portrait of Glacier Bay Provides Insights About Fjords Modern Technology Sheds Light on an Ancient Species
Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia: Revisiting the 2001 Action Plan Landscape, Land Use, and SAV in the Chesapeake Lessons on Marsh Resilience Learned in the Bay of Fundy
Critical Tool for American Samoa Mangrove Restoration is Community Support Working “Backward,” Seagrass Depth Limits Can Lead to Nutrient and TSS Loading Limits Ripped to Shreds: Mechanical Shredding Works to Wipe Out Water Hyacinth Listening for Fish in the Shallow Waters of Barataria Bay
Is Nutrient Loading a Smaller Problem Than We Think? Improving Detergent’s Role in Tackling a Messy Problem Australian Study: Weirs Mean Fish Can’t Go with the Flow Development Paves the Way for Phragmites Invasion in the Chesapeake
Can Chesapeake Oysters Be Enlisted in the Eutrophication Battle? Designing Marine Reserve Networks: Connectivity is the Key Perspective: Restoration Ecology is not Equal To Ecological Restoration, But Both are Needed Study Provides Preview of Effects of Sea Level Rise on Marsh Plants
Fallout from Sewage Outfall Relocation: Changes in Water Quality and Productivity in Boston Harbor Altered Ecosystem, Altered Fish Assemblage in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Goodbye to Terrapin Bycatch: A Florida Solution Can Natural Reseeding Contribute to Marsh Restoration?
In Chesapeake, Benthic Community Shows that Where Development is Up, Estuarine Health is Down Telling the Phragmites Twins Apart: Native Prefers No Salt and Little Nitrogen Fish Index Proves Useful in Taking the Pulse of South African Estuaries Bioenergetics Study Reveals Tough Choice for Invasive Crabs: Get Eaten or Use Excess Energy
Look Landward for Sources of Water Body Impairment, Says CA Study Sampling Frequency: What Might You Be Missing? Horseshoe Crab Sex and the City: Restoration Potential in Jamaica Bay Feeding Sediment-Starved Tidal Marshes: Signs of Success in North Carolina
“Compromise” Nutrient Model Produces Advice for Chesapeake Bay Model Results Recommend Easing Up on Horseshoe Crab Harvest Is Food Web Function Restored When Tidal Flow Is? Carbon Isotopes May Provide Clues Southeast Estuaries May Be Joining the Hypoxia Club
An Estuarine Paradox: Introduced Alga Dominates, but Supports Diversity Too Common Reed Too Common for Mummichogs: Invader Provides Poor Habitat Do These Oysters Need Salt? Landings and Salinity in the Gulf of Mexico DOM Dynamics in Denmark
More Fresh Water Brings Long-term Change to New Zealand Estuary Wild Celery Beds Extend Nursery Habitat for Fishery Species Where in the World (Or at Least in the Estuary) is Centropomus undecimalis? Viruses Tested as Alternative Sewage Indicator
Can Mid-Atlantic Marshes and Tidal Ponds Keep Their Heads above Water? Shoreline Alterations Turn up the Heat on Puget Sound Beaches A Green Light for Restoration: Transplanted Georgia Marsh Plants Thrive in Dieback Sites What Happens to the Oxygen? Bacteria and Hypoxia in the Potomac River
Drainage Networks in Restored Wetlands: Should Nature or a Shovel Introduce Tidal Creeks to Restoration Sites? Investigation of Nitrogen Dynamics Goes Underground in New England Salt Marsh Loss in New England: Beyond Aerial Photography Functional Trajectory Models Transplanted to Eelgrass Bed
Balancing Venice's Water Budget: Submarine Groundwater's Role Good News for the New River Review Takes Stock of Brown Tide Knowledge Toxaphene-Contaminated Sediment Remediation Pays Off for GA Fish
By-catch Reduction Device Protects Terps Sediment Slurry Application Helps Delta Marsh Rise to the Challenge Poor Water and Sediment Quality: Accessories to the Long Island Lobster Crash? Of Wakes and Dredging in the Intracoastal Waterway: Compensatory Effects?
Modern Genetic Techniques Aid in Managing an Ancient Fish Golf Course Swales May Reduce Water Hazards Seagrass Mapping Down Under: Challenges of New Technology A Caution on the Use of Elemental and Stable Isotope Ratios: Do You Know Your Species' Natural Variability?
Ultraviolet Radiation and Primary Productivity: Effects May Go Beyond the Antarctic ENSO/SAV Links in Lake Pontchartrain: More than Coincidence Are Created Marshes Equal, Above the Ground and Below? Elkhorn Slough's Living History
Striped Bass Eggs Go with the Flow: Pulsed Events and Transport to the ETM Better Phytoplankton Identification Through Chemistry? Role Models for Phytoplankton: Reference Communities Developed for Chesapeake Bay The Coastal Ocean and CO2: Small Area, Large Flux
Getting Warmer: An Exercise in Extrapolation Elucidates Effects of Global Warming More Work Needed on Increasing Light Availability Under Piers for SAV, Study Finds Sometimes Seagrass Declines are Not Our Fault! Better, Faster, Cheaper Benthic Sampling
Archival Data Elucidates the Fishy History of Lake Pontchartrain Estuarine Sediments: Source or Sink for Heavy Metals? Gaining Clarity: Model Supports Oyster Restoration to Reduce Turbidity, Encourage Seagrass Growth Restoration of Seagrass Inhabitants Takes Some Time, Study Finds
New Lessons from the Hudson River "School" Hypoxia in the Chesapeake: A Look at History and the Future Shore Crabs Push Dungeness Out of the Neighborhood in WA Restoration Effort Sediment Cores Provide Wealth of Information in the Neuse and Pamlico
Three Models Are Better Than One For Examining Gulf "Dead Zone" Looong-term Sea Surface Temperature Record Available for New England Priority-setting for Nutrient Management: Case Study in Waquoit Bay What is the Fish-Killing Culprit in Dead-end Canals?
Evidence that Global Climate Change Does Act Locally in San Francisco Bay Invasion of the Marsh Snatchers: Effectiveness of Invasive Plant Removal in Puget Sound Study Supports "Thinking Outside the Dike" Links Between Land Use and Estuarine Health: A Potential Statistical Crystal Ball
All Estuarine Nutrient Cycles are Not Created Equal: Lessons from a Tropical Estuary Infection By Viruses May Aid in Brown Tide's Demise English Sole Study Confirms Concentration Hypothesis Big Bend Seagrasses Revisited: Region-wide Changes in Species Distributions
Is The Mangrove Restored? Ask the Crabs Water Quality Impacts on Fish Hard to Find in a Tidal Creek Dennis, Floyd and Irene Provide Lessons About Hurricane Impacts Effects of Nitrogen Loading on NE Marshes Characterized
Study Shows Blue Crabs Thrive in Restored Salt Marsh Impounded Marsh Communities May Take a Pounding Hyacinth, Pennywort Shown to be Functionally Different Study Documents Sources and Loadings of N to 34 Estuaries Network Analysis Suggests Longer-Term Nitrogen Monitoring Needed in the Neuse
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