Updated CERF Mission, Vision, and Values

The Governing Board is excited to announce an update to the CERF mission, vision, and values statements. The vision and values statements have been revised and approved by the Board based on the extensive community input that led to our new Visions V strategic plan and to better reflect the current culture and direction of the Federation. The mission was also revised through this input; however, as part of the CERF Constitution, a change to the mission can only be made by a vote of the membership. Therefore, we hope you’ll provide your feedback on the updated mission statement and vote to approve it in an upcoming ballot.

Have comments or suggestions on the updated mission before we send it out for approval by the membership? Please complete the form by Friday, 5 April!


Mission (for approval): To foster a diverse and inclusive community of coastal and estuarine science and management professionals, thereby improving our ability to advance scientific knowledge and stewardship.

Vision: CERF envisions a future where solutions to global challenges facing coastal and estuarine systems are grounded by innovative, inclusive, and collaborative scientific research.        


  • Collaboration: We recognize that our work is innovative and impactful when we convene and collaborate with a diverse group of individuals and listen to, respect, and synthesize different points of view and ways of knowing.
  • Ethics: We adhere to the highest ethical standards as they are fundamental to scientific integrity, professionalism, and trust in the Federation.
  • Impact: We promote research and management that is relevant and responsive to the needs of communities reliant on coastal and estuarine systems.
  • Equity and Inclusion: We actively leverage our field’s global diversity to create and maintain inclusive and equitable working and learning environments and to recognize and incorporate social and environmental justice issues in our work.
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