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CERF and Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies Comment on New US Public Access Policies

CERF and Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies Comment on New US Public Access Policies

On 29 October 2024, CERF and the nine other societies comprising the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) sent a letter to the US Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) regarding the implementation of the “Ensuring Free, Immediate, and Equitable Access to Federally Funded Research” Memo, commonly referred to as the Nelson memo. The Nelson memo directs all US federal agencies with research and development expenditures to update their public access policies as soon as possible, and no later than 31 December 2025, to make publications and supporting data resulting from federally funded research publicly accessible without an embargo on their free and public release, establish transparent procedures that ensure scientific and research integrity is maintained in public access policies, and coordinate with OSTP to ensure equitable delivery of federally funded research results and data. The CASS letter strongly supports the principles of open science and the importance of freely sharing research results in a timely and equitable manner while also expressing concern about potential unintended consequences of revised public access policies on professional societies and the quality and equity of the research enterprise. The letter outlines six specific concerns about the implementation of the Nelson memo:

  1. Scientific societies play a critical role in the research enterprise that was not adequately considered when developing new policies.
  2. Scientific societies may face significant financial impacts because of the proposed policies.
  3. Scientific societies were not engaged during stakeholder outreach by OSTP and federal funding agencies.
  4. The proposed policies may lower the quality of published research.
  5. The proposed policies may exacerbate existing inequities in the research enterprise.
  6. Lack of coordination across federal agencies will hinder the goal of allowing all Americans to benefit from the returns of federally funded research results.

In the letter, CASS provides five recommendations on how the implementation of the Nelson memo may be improved to ensure it meets its intended goals and avoids unintended impacts on the research enterprise and scientific societies:

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Vote On CERF's Revised Mission Statement

Vote on CERF's Revised Mission Statement and Constitution Changes

The CERF Governing Board is proposing changes to our Mission Statement and Constitution to better align with our current values and strategic direction. But we can’t change the constitution without YOUR VOTE!

The proposed new Mission Statement is:

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Seeking Nominations for Estuaries and Coasts Editor

Seeking Nominations for Estuaries and Coasts Editor

CERF is seeking a new Co-Editor-in-Chief for the journal Estuaries and Coasts. The primary responsibilities are to assess and take steps to continuously improve the intellectual quality of the journal; provide objective and timely editorial decisions to attain CERF’s goal of publishing high-quality research that advances knowledge of estuarine and coastal systems; and adhere to CERF’s core value to steward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in publication practices. 

CERF desires the following attributes for candidates:

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Updated CERF Mission, Vision, and Values

The Governing Board is excited to announce an update to the CERF mission, vision, and values statements. The vision and values statements have been revised and approved by the Board based on the extensive community input that led to our new Visions V strategic plan and to better reflect the current culture and direction of the Federation. The mission was also revised through this input; however, as part of the CERF Constitution, a change to the mission can only be made by a vote of the membership. Therefore, we hope you’ll provide your feedback on the updated mission statement and vote to approve it in an upcoming ballot.

Have comments or suggestions on the updated mission before we send it out for approval by the membership? Please complete the form by Friday, 5 April!

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Reflections for CERF 2023 - A 30 Year Anniversary

A special story from Jim Hagy -

Every CERF conference is a special time. For many of the younger people in our community, it’s perhaps the first time to share your science on the bigger stage of an international meeting. For those like me who’ve been at it a little longer, we look forward to reconnecting for a time with friends and colleagues, some of whom we might not have seen since the last conference 2 years prior. And of course, we look forward to sharing our passion for science, sharing our latest work, learning what others are up to, and seeing the younger generation spread their wings. For me, returning to CERF this November for the 27th Biennial CERF conference is particularly special. Yes, it’s my 16th CERF conference – I’ve missed just one since 1991. But this year is special. I’m excited to be returning to CERF with my wife, Melissa, and this year marks nearly 30 years to the day since our first date – a stroll through historic Savannah, South Carolina – at ERF 1993. In 1993, CERF was just ERF, the Estuarine Research Federation, and the venue was Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. We married in 1997, one of a few years that the biennial conference has been in Providence, Rhode Island.

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Meet CERF's 2021–2023 Governing Board

Meet CERF’s 2021-2023 Governing Board

We are pleased to present the CERF 2021-2023 Governing Board!

Please join us in congratulating CERF’s new President-elect, Secretary, Members-at-Large, and Student Member-at-Large. Thank you also to our continuing Board members, and our new Affiliate Society representatives.

  Board Members

Leila Hamdan
University of Southern Mississippi

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United in the Call for Justice and Equity

Dear CERF Community,

The Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation is committed to equitable treatment for all. Human suffering and the trauma imposed by racism are intolerable in the CERF community.

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Coastal & Marine Biology Research Continuity Planning Survey

Dear Coastal and Estuarine Researchers,

COVID-19 has had profound impacts on many aspects of society.  Grounded by the outbreak, we are surveying researchers in a range of disciplines to investigate the impacts of the pandemic on many aspects of field and laboratory research. The survey takes about 15 minutes and covers various aspects of marine research which may be impacted. We are also be surveying ornithologists, herpetologists, and other field-based disciplines.

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Addressing the COVID-19 Pandemic

Dear CERF Members,

We know the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting you in a variety of ways, affecting your communities, your families, and your work. With that in mind, we simply want to reach out to let you know we are thinking of you. Your own health and wellbeing, and of those you love, should be your top concern right now.

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CERF Announces Two Funding Opportunities for Local Events

CERF is excited to announce the availability of funding to support members in hosting local and regional events:

  • CERF-sponsored regional workshops: These funds will support workshops in collaboration with CERF’s Affiliate Societies on high priority scientific and management issues of regional importance. These pilot workshops are intended to explore ways in which the Affiliate Societies and CERF can work together to translate and apply coastal and estuarine science to important regional issues. The application deadline is 1 May 2020, with workshops to take place between August 2020 and June 2021. For more information, including how to apply, visit the regional workshops website.
  • Local networking and professional development events: These funds will support pilot events intended to enhance opportunities for collaboration and career-building in coastal and estuarine science and management, especially among students and early career professionals. The application deadline is 31 March 2020, for events occurring by 31 December 2020. For more information, including how to apply, visit the local events website.

CERF submits amici curiae brief to Supreme Court on groundwater case

CERF, in collaboration with four scientists and seven other scientific societies, has submitted an amici curiae brief in the Supreme Court case “County of Maui v. Hawai’i Wildlife Fund, Sierra Club – Maui Group, Surfrider Foundation, and West Maui Preservation Association.” The case addresses whether the Clean Water Act requires a permit for the discharge of pollutants when the pollutants travel through groundwater from a point source to navigable waters. Specifically, the County of Maui argues that a permit is not required when wastewater is injected into wells because there is no direct discharge into navigable waters.  Several environmental groups have sued the County, arguing that injection wells are a point source given that the wells are connected to the ocean via groundwater.  The brief presents the science of groundwater hydrology and argues for the use of science in considering surface water-groundwater connections.  The case will come before the Supreme Court in November 2019.

Read the full brief

CERF Launching SAV Community of Practice

Building on successful workshops held at the biennial CERF conferences, CERF is excited to announce the launch of our first online Community of Practice: the Submersed Aquatic Vegetation Mapping/Monitoring Community of Practice (SAV CoP). Communities of Practice (CoP) are groups of people with a shared interest that interact regularly to learn from each other, share ideas, and advance the state of knowledge about a particular topic. A CoP offers a forum for individual, professional, and agenda development around the topic of interest. The SAV CoP is a forum for sharing information and supporting seagrass mapping and monitoring efforts. The SAV CoP is organized around a shared Google space which allows access to documents, a calendar, an online forum, and email list where members can dialog with others.

For more information about the SAV CoP or to join, contact the SAV steering committee at [email protected].

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CERF Submits Public Comments on Proposed WOTUS Rule

CERF has joined with 11 other science societies to submit public comments on the proposed rule to revise the definition of "waters of the United States" (WOTUS) protected under the Clean Water Act.  This proposed rule would replace the 2015 Clean Water Rule (2015 CWR), which has been proposed for repeal.

CERF and the 10 other societies strongly oppose the proposed Rule and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' decision to re-write and rescind the science-based definitions contained in the 2015 CWR.  The proposed Rule is not based on sound science or the best-available peer-reviewed information and will, as a result, exclude numerous waters and wetlands that directly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity of primary waters, making it impossible to achieve the objectives of the Clean Water Act. Of particular concern to CERF membership is the proposed rule requires a direct, permanent, constant, surface water flow between an area and navigable waters to qualify as Waters of the US. This would exclude areas now considered as Waters of the US, including many marshes and wetlands, and also bodies of water fed by groundwater discharge, including some headwater streams.

Read the full public comment

CERF Releases Broadening Participation Comprehensive Plan

CERF is dedicated to broadening participation in coastal and estuarine science and management.  As part of its Rising TIDES (Toward an Inclusive, Diverse, and Enriched Society) program, the Broadening Participation Council has developed a comprehensive plan to promote an inclusive culture and opportunities for underrepresented and underserved minorities in coastal and estuarine science at all career stages. 

The plan is based upon input received from CERF members and attendees during facilitated workshops and guided discussions at the 2017 CERF conference. 

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CERF Joins Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM

CERF has joined with 99 organizations to launch the Societies Consortium on Sexual Harassment in STEMM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine) to advance professional and ethical conduct, climate, and culture in STEMM disciplines.

The Societies Consortium reflects a shared understanding that professional societies have a unique responsibility in their role as standard-setters and standard-bearers for STEMM fields to address the pervasive problem of sexual and gender harassment.

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CERF Announces New Legacy Fund

CERF is excited to announce the creation of a new Legacy Fund. The Legacy Fund is a way to honor scientists, resource managers, decision-makers, educators, and others for their important contributions to the understanding and wise stewardship of estuarine and coastal ecosystems worldwide.  

The Fund will support unique and valuable enhancements to the research or career development of student and early-career members of the Federation through scholarships given at the CERF Biennial Conference. 

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New Issue Available: CERF's Up! Vol. 45.1

Check out the latest from CERF's Up! 

Volume 45.1 features student papers, affiliate society updates, and the latest news and details about CERF 2019

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CASS Requests Extension of Public Comment Period for Proposed WOTUS Rule

CERF has joined with the other members of the Consortium of Aquatic Science Societies (CASS) to request an extension on the Comment Period for the proposed rule revising the definition of "Waters of the United States" (WOTUS).

CASS Requests Extension of Public Comment Period for Proposed WOTUS Rule

Our New URL!

Out with the ORG – In with the New!

After many years of "," we decided that it was finally time for a change. CERF is proud to be a scientifically progressive Federation, and as such has replaced "org" with "science."

In addition, CERF's old domain name was an artifact of the time when we were still just the Estuarine Research Federation; we figured it was time to add the "C"!

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CERF Statement on Proposed WOTUS Rule

CERF, in conjunction with eight other scientific societies, has released a statement expressing deep concern with the proposed rule issued by the EPA and the US Army Corps of Engineers to replace the 2015 Clean Water Rule (Waters of the United States Rule or WOTUS), released 11 December 2018. 

Read the Full Statement