ASN Awards for Support of Regional Meetings in Ecology, Evolution and Behavior
The American Society of Naturalists solicits proposals from organizers of regional meetings in the fields of ecology, evolution and behavior. The purpose of these small awards is to promote increased participation in regional meetings that fall along the research interests supported by the ASN and to use this support as a way of recruiting new membership to ASN. The awards typically provide subsidized registration for ASN members at these regional meetings. Please note that these awards are not intended to support workshops. Previous awardees have included meetings such as SEEPEG, SEEC, EVO-WIBO, and OE3C. Organizers of regional meetings should submit a brief proposal describing the research focus of the meeting for which funds are requested as well as details of the meeting such as anticipated number of participants, meeting venue and dates.
Instructions: Proposals should include two components. One should clearly describe the (1) overlap of the regional meeting with ASN research interests, (2) extent that the support would reach out to new audiences to grow ASN's membership, and (3) potential size of the impact on ASN membership. The second component should include a brief budget justifying the amount requested and detailing how the funds will be used. To standardize the applications, there is a strict one-page limit (US Letter size paper, 1" margins, standard [e.g., Times] 12-point font, and no more than six lines per inch) for each component (i.e., 1 page for proposal, 1 page for budget description and use of funds). We anticipate funding 4-6 awards, typically valued at $2000-$3000. Please send proposals to the ASN Regional Society Liaison Committee Chair Rebecca Kimball by Feb. 15.