Coastal Science at the Inflection Point: Celebrating Successes & Learning from Challenges
The CERF 2017 scientific program offers four days of, timely, exciting and diverse information on a vast array of estuarine and coastal subjects. Presentations will examine new findings within CERF's traditional science, education and management disciplines and encourage interaction among coastal and estuarine scientists and managers. Additionally, the Scientific Program Committee plans to convene special sessions and workshops that promote intellectually stimulating discussions. Join us and over a thousand of your colleagues to network, celebrate our work, learn from each other and grow within our amazing profession.
Who attends CERF's Conference?
CERF will convene 1,500 scientists, managers and professionals in government, business, nonprofit and related organizations, graduate students and undergraduate students.
From North America’s coastal states and provinces, as well as from more than 20 countries around the world, CERF conference attendees are scientists and managers who conduct research and observe/manage change within a variety of global, coastal and estuarine habitats. They rely on the information, expertise, methods, training, products, technology and innovative equipment your organization provides.

Here Comes the Judge…
WE NEED YOU! Urgent request for student judges!
Remember when you were an undergraduate or graduate student and went to meetings excited about your research and the research of others that you met? Remember when you were eligible to win an award for best presentation? CERF2017 needs you to help us with judging student presentations in order to provide the best experience for our students. Last meeting, there were 600 students who were eligible for presentation awards and needed to be judged. Please consider being a judge and make a difference with our young scientists!
For more information, contact Jessie Jarvis ([email protected]) and Amber Hardison ([email protected]). Don’t forget to stop by the judging table at registration!
