Building and Embracing CERF Diversity
1:30 pm – 4:30 pm | General: $30 Students: $20 Convener: Treda Grayson
One of the visions of CERF is to increase diversity of the society by promoting an inclusive culture and opportunities for underrepresented and under-served minorities in coastal and estuarine science at all career stages. Achieving this diversity requires full organizational commitment. One early step to accomplishing this goal is to convene a workshop focused on broadening participation in CERF. Participants will be led through facilitated interactive discussions that will lead CERF toward achieving its vision. The goals of this workshop are to provide actionable elements for CERF to incorporate in its efforts to broaden participation, to build CERF’s capacity for diversity and inclusion and expand conversations of broadening participation throughout the CERF community, as well as to begin establishment of a program to recruit and retain underrepresented and under-served minorities.
Dr. Diana Kardia (Kardia Group LLC), who has more than 30 years of experience consulting on diversity issues within organizations, will lead participants through facilitated, interactive exercises focused on the valuable skills needed to help transform CERF into a more diverse and inclusive society. Through these exercises participants will learn how to recognize the multiple facets of diversity, capture the benefits that arise from diverse perspectives, and overcome hidden biases to create a culture of inclusion. The workshop design is focused intentionally on building capacity by practicing diversity within the existing group, which is a key foundation for extending broadening participation efforts beyond access to retention. The workshop will culminate with identification of near-term, mid-term, and long-term actions for CERF to achieve systemic change. Workshop results will provide input toward development of a comprehensive broadening-participation plan for CERF. Ultimately, as our Federation is enriched by diverse backgrounds and perspectives, our relevance and effectiveness in tackling complex estuarine and coastal issues will be enhanced.
Additional information: Co-Conveners are Ben Fertig, Lora Harris, Hilary Neckles, Susan Park, Christine Whitcraft, Kristin Wilson