International Travel to the United States
To Request an Official Letter of Invitation
Please email your full name, address, institution/affiliate name and email address to [email protected]. If you are making an oral or poster presentation, please include the title and presentation date/time for your abstract. Once processed, a signed letter will be emailed to you. If you need an original sent to you via post, please indicate so in your email request.
CERF continues to recognize and support that scientific progress and research is dependent upon the free exchange of ideas among international networks of diverse scientists, professors, researchers, and students.
Changes in U.S. immigration and travel policies have rightfully concerned many international scientists and we respect the concerns of those who may be apprehensive about traveling to the United States due to the travel restrictions.
- To request an Official Letter of Invitation, please email your full name, mailing address, institution/affiliate name and email address to [email protected]. If you are making the request after you’ve been accepted to give an oral or poster presentation, please include the title and presentation date/time for your abstract. Once processed, a signed letter will be emailed to you. If you need an original sent to you via post, please indicate so in your email request.
- International travelers are strongly encouraged to register for CERF 2017 as soon as possible. This will ensure space, materials, refreshments and other conference amenities are held for you.
- CERF recognizes that extenuating circumstances, including failure to obtain a U.S. travel visa, may hinder conference attendance. In those situations, with the submission of appropriate documentation, CERF will refund prepaid registration fees.
- CERF is making efforts to create virtual participation opportunities for CERF members who are unable to travel to the conference. These details are being worked out and will be shared once finalized.
- Please recognize that the policies enacted by presidential executive order, remain under judicial review and enforcement policies may still evolve. CERF will continue to monitor the situation and will share updates as they become available.
- Please notify CERF ([email protected]) if you are unable to obtain a visa for travel to the conference, or for other visa-related issues. CERF will track this information to help us understand the impact of visa-related issues on conference attendance. We also encourage you to report issues via this questionnaire.