How Collaborative Learning Can be Used to Bridge Science, Management and Policy to Improve Outcomes
8:30 am – 12:30 pm | General: $25 Students: $15 Convener: Christine Feurt
Ecosystem management aims to conserve the composition, structure and function of coupled natural and human systems to sustain valued ecosystem services. Engaging stakeholders in ecosystem service conservation in estuarine and coastal environments is one of the greatest challenges facing researchers conducting assessments and managers implementing science based programs. High-impact communications about the value of ecosystem services can motivate people to act in ways that protect and sustain the services they care about. Decision-making about ecosystem services requires engaging people with diverse and conflicting perspectives in dialogues about what is at stake, who benefits and who stands to lose.
This workshop provides participants with practical and effective techniques immediately applicable in a variety of contexts to improve ecosystem service conservation and communication and stakeholder engagement. Collaborative Learning is a powerful stakeholder engagement process that can move groups forward in spite of conflicts, uncertainty and complexity. Collaborative Learning, designed with knowledge of the mental models used by stakeholders, can reduce conflict, contribute to development of shared meaning among the group and facilitate actions that conserve the ecosystem services recognized as important.
This workshop is for coastal managers, conservation professionals and scientists whose work depends upon effective science communication, collaborative partnerships and adaptive management approaches to value, manage and sustain ecosystem services. Participants will learn how to (1) design stakeholder engagement processes, (2) improve science communication, and (3) foster interdisciplinary learning to achieve desired outcomes.