Renewing Your Membership

Is your CERF or CAERS membership up for renewal?

Not sure? You are only able to renew your membership if your renewal date is in the next 60 days or it has lapsed. You also should have received an email notification asking you to renew. To find out your renewal date, please visit the member center (login required). 

Yes, I received my renewal notification! Take me to the renewal form.

Renew Today

Membership Benefits

As a CERF member, you:

  • Help CERF meet its mission to promote the understanding and wise stewardship of coasts and estuaries worldwide
  • Belong to a network of the top coastal and estuarine scientists, managers, and educators from around the globe; members have access to an online member directory and exclusive listservs to help you connect to colleagues
  • Stay on top of the latest coastal and estuarine science with access to Estuaries and Coasts and Wetlands, discounts on other Springer and Wiley publications, access to CERF conference highlights, the CERF's Up! bulletin, and other updates from CERF
  • Receive discounted registration to the Biennial CERF Conference, the premier international conference on coastal and estuarine science; CERF members are also eligible for scientific awards and student travel funds
  • Learn new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest trends through the CERF Webinar Series and our archive of past webinars
  • Find your next job, internship, or funding opportunity through the CERF Job Board
  • Demonstrate your support for a diverse and inclusive coastal and estuarine science community through CERF's Rising TIDES program
  • Have the opportunity to shape the future of your Federation through leadership and volunteer opportunities, and through voting privileges

Membership Options

A variety of membership options are offered in an effort to foster a diverse and inclusive community. 

CERF Membership Category  1-Year Membership Fee 2-Year Membership Fee
Sustaining $200 $360
Full $120 $216
Mid-Career Professional $90 $162
Emerging & Developing Country  $60 $108
Early Professional $60 $108
Emeritus $35 $63
Family $35 $63
Student $30 $54

You can also pay your Affiliate Society dues when you pay for your CERF membership! If you are a returning CAERS member, please be sure to complete the CERF Membership Renewal form and select "CAERS" as your membership option. 

Affiliate Membership Dues Regular Student
ACCESS $22* $11*
AERS $20 $10
CAERS $20 $10
GERS $20 $20
NEERS $20 $5
PERS $20 $10
SEERS $20 $15

*All membership fees are in US currency. CERF can only process payments in USD.
  • Sustaining Member
    Sustaining members go the extra mile by contributing an additional amount above the regular membership fee and they are publicly recognized for their contribution in select CERF publications.
    They have full voting privileges, can hold office, and receive the full suite of member benefits. These benefits include access to the scientific journals Estuaries & Coasts and Wetlands, as well as the new CERF video library. They also receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory, email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications.
  • Full Member
    The standard membership category for CERF members.
    Full members have full voting privileges, can hold office, and receive the full suite of member benefits. These benefits include access to the scientific journals Estuaries & Coasts and Wetlands, as well as the new CERF video library. They also receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory, email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications.
  • Mid-Career Professional Member
    Mid-Career Professional members are within 5-15 years of receiving their last degree.
    Mid-career professional members receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory and new CERF video library. They also receive email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications.
  • Emerging & Developing Country Member
    A special membership option is available for professionals in emerging & developing countries, as defined by the International Monetary Fund

    They have full voting privileges, can hold office, and receive the full suite of member benefits. These benefits include access to the scientific journals Estuaries & Coasts and Wetlands, as well as the new CERF video library. They also receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory, email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications.
  • Early Professional Member
    Early professional members are within 5 years of receiving their most recent degree.

    They have full voting privileges, can hold office, and receive the full suite of member benefits. These benefits include access to the scientific journals Estuaries & Coasts and Wetlands, as well as the new CERF video library. They also receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory, email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications.
  • Emeritus Member 
    This special membership rate is offered to our retired members.

    Emeritus members receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory and new CERF video library. They also receive email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications. Emeritus members may not vote or hold office. 
  • Family Member
    Family members are the spouse or domestic partner of a sustaining or regular member.

    They receive access to the CERF membership directory, email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications. Please email the office at [email protected] if you would like to add a family member.
  • Student Member
    This rate is available to any members who are enrolled full-time in an undergraduate or graduate program at an accredited higher education institution. 

    They have full voting privileges, can hold office, and receive the full suite of member benefits. These benefits include access to the scientific journals Estuaries & Coasts and Wetlands, as well as the new CERF video library. They also receive the bimonthly CERF newsletter, access to the CERF membership directory, email updates on Federation news and activities, reduced registration fees at our biennial conferences, and reduced rates on other CERF publications.